For more information, please contact:

The terms and conditions of sale are legally binding; all Sales are final!

 All animals are guaranteed to be healthy, feeding and properly sexed. Upon accepting delivery buyer agrees that the animals are as represented in color, pattern, size and sex. (please double-check sex yourself or ask a qualified breeder, errors are rare but not impossible)

If you are in any way dissatisfied with your purchase, you must notify us within 48 hours. After that point, I will assume you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

The customer is responsible for the husbandry after they take possession of the animal. We have no control over care once the snake is in the possession of the customer.

It is the buyer’s responsibility to be familiar with, and adhere to all Provincial and local laws regarding the sale and keeping of these reptiles before committing to a purchase.

No sales will be made to persons under the age of 18 without prior written consent from responsible guardians.

I neither reimburse nor take responsibility for any third parties’ actions or treatments.